First Light

first_lightA few years ago Tony Burcul and I started to work together, and in 2002 released an album of original songs, First Light.

Underneath an Island Sky is a breezy, Caribbean style piece, with lyrics by Kate Herbert, followed by Without A Sound, a romantic ballad of the kind I seem to be attracted to. Others like it are Tenderly, The Truth About You and Once Long Ago.

The album also has some more socially aware songs too, Will We Remember? is about East Timor, Stolen Life about indigenous people, and Home Again shows the feelings of a teenager in foster care.

It was great working with Tony, a very skilled player and collaborator, and also with my other friends Bridgette Burton on the warm-hearted Living Together, and Janice Florence, whose wit really shines on More, an unsubtle attack on consumerism. To round things off, there’s also an instrumental from Tony, Jodie’s Lullaby.

First Light

  Underneath An Island Sky
  Without A Sound
  Living Together
  Home Again

  The Truth About You

  Jodie's Lullaby
  Will We Remember?


  Once Long Ago
  Stolen Life

This album is available for $9.95 at